Resources for Teachers & Coaches


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Nebraska Sexual Violence Prevention Plan
Through a coordinated effort the Nebraska Sexual Violence Prevention Plan was created to focus the efforts of government agencies and community-based organizations on the prevention of sexual violence. The plan’s objective is primary prevention of sexual violence; that is, it focuses on preventing first-time perpetration of sexual violence, as opposed to intervening with perpetrators and victims after violence has occurred.

Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance - United States, 2009
The 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (YRBS) was conducted by the Center of Disease Control Injury and Prevention.  The YRBS identifies health risk behaviors, that contribute to the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among youth and adults.  The health risk behaviors are often established during childhood and do extend into adulthood.  These health risk behaviors are interrelated and preventable.

Resources & Information to Assist with the Prevention of Dating Violence in Nebraska School Districts
This booklet is a policy and guidance documents created by the Department of Education with other selected individuals and organizations committed to helping students have a successful future.  This booklet provides resources for school districts on developing a policy to prevent dating violence.

Lindsay Ann Burke Act
This document is the actual legislative bill, also known as Lindsay Ann Burke Act.

Power & Control Wheel
The power and control wheel provides a visual explanation of possible tactics and behaviors that partners use within a violent relationship.